The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) will hold its 72nd session from 9 -13th April.
In order to present you the latest news and outcome from the session, we invited Dietrich Dabels,
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) as a speaker.
Topics of the seminar will be the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships, implementation
of sulphur 2020 limit, ballast water management treaty implementation including a brief update
“what’s going on in the USA” and measures to reduce risks of use and carriage of heavy fuel oil as
fuel by ships in Arctic.
This seminar is organized by MARIKO GmbH, Reederverein Ems-Dollart e.V., Interessengemeinschaft Harener Reeder e.V., Komptenzzentrum GreenShipping Niedersachsen und ABS.
16:00 Welcome & Registration
16:30 Overview of MEPC 72 – including summary of key developments and actions, Dietrich Dabels, ABS
17:45 Question & Answer Session
18:00 Networking & Snacks
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